Teaching & Learning Lab

Empowerment through Education

Launch of The Complex Problem Solving Project educational resource by Teaching and Learning Lab!

Please view the education resource at this part of our website.

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Visit by Professors and Students from National Taiwan Normal University, Oct/Nov 2024

We welcomed the visit of professors and students from the National Taiwan Normal University (29 Oct - 31 Oct 2024)

Our lab members brought our visitors for a school visit at a local high school. In addition, the visiting students also participated in the Design Pitching Skills class at Ohashi Campus. we look forward to their next visit.

More information is posted by our NTNU partner.



Fukuoka City, Minami Ward Kid's University Program 2024! (20 July 2024)

This year, our lab participated in the program organised by the Fukuoka City Minami Ward Office. (for official event page, click here)
PECA Workshop (Practice English Through Creative Activities), planned and organised by our lab, was the first program to kick off this summer.

Our program for this summer got participating elementary school students and their parents to explore making musical instruments using recycled materials. The participants showed their creativity during the workshop and had fun sharing their ideas with other participants.

Our lab members planned and conducted this PECA Workshop.

We thank all the participants for taking part in this workshop! We hope to plan new workshops in the future.

(The participants' permission has been received to use photos taken during the workshop for official reporting purposes.)

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Shifting of lab to a temporary holding area, June 2024

It was an eventful summer for our lab as we shifted from our current lab to a temporary holding area. The current building where our lab is will be undergoing renovations. We are looking forward to moving to our new lab location after the renovation in 2025.

Below: Taking a break while moving items during the night in advance of the main shifting day; In the new holding area until we return to our own lab spaces after renovations.

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Visit by Professor and Students from National Taiwan Normal University, June 2024

It was a privilege for us to host the visit of Professor Yu-Liang TING and his students from the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) at Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University.
We also had the opportunity to organise a simple sharing session, during which students shared their robotics arm projects with Japanese Technology teachers via Zoom. In addition, NTNU students also shared the process of designing teaching resources with students in the Global Design Innovation class at the School of Design, Kyushu University.

Early this year, we visited NTNU in March (Click here for details). We hope to continue to strengthen our collaborations with professors and students in NTNU.

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