Design-Technology Education Exchange Forum, Session 5
07/09/20 19:01
The fifth installment of this international exchange forum was successfully completed on 22 August 2020. About 16 participants from Japan and overseas took part in this session.
In this session, Ms KU Chih-Jung, an experienced Technology teacher in Cheng-Yuan High School, Taiwan; and currently a PhD candidate in National Taiwan Normal University, provided a very detail account of how Technology Education is being implemented at ground zero in the schools. From problem solving to design engineering, examples of teacher training to facilitate the implementation of TE, and student projects were shown and discussed.

In this session, Ms KU Chih-Jung, an experienced Technology teacher in Cheng-Yuan High School, Taiwan; and currently a PhD candidate in National Taiwan Normal University, provided a very detail account of how Technology Education is being implemented at ground zero in the schools. From problem solving to design engineering, examples of teacher training to facilitate the implementation of TE, and student projects were shown and discussed.