Inspiring Curiosity
23/12/20 10:29
10 Dec 2020
A special online lecture was conducted by Ms Sylvia NG for the graduate subject for Curriculum Design and Management of Design Education (Environment & Heritage Design Course). In this lecture, Sylvia has shared deep insights in the teaching and learning of design, the development of a design professional and also how curiosity can be instilled through creativity.

10 Dec 2020
A special online lecture was conducted by Ms Sylvia NG for the graduate subject for Curriculum Design and Management of Design Education (Environment & Heritage Design Course). In this lecture, Sylvia has shared deep insights in the teaching and learning of design, the development of a design professional and also how curiosity can be instilled through creativity.

SDGs Design School Project, Aug~Oct 2020
06/12/20 20:59
The following project is funded by Kyushu University, Asia Week 2020. This is a project for accelerating sustainable solutions to global challenges and actions to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As part of the SDGs Design School project, we hope to contribute to SDGs through design by exploring and developing design-based educational programs together with stakeholders in the local community. As an on-going collaborative project with Fukusho High School in Fukuoka city, we have managed to conduct 3 design workshops, the SDGs Challenge Projects, for a total of 65 high school students (that includes year 1, 2 and 3 students). These workshops were conducted between August and October 2020.
Amid the restrictions and limitations to in-person lessons caused by the Covid-19 pandemic at school level, together with the teachers in Fukusho High School, we explored how design-based lessons can be conducted in-person while keeping safety considerations. Equipping each student with a tablet, we explored the use of online whiteboard to facilitate group discussions during in-person lessons.
Overall, students had enjoyed the workshops and at the same time, we identified issues and positive outcomes through this format of design-based lessons.
Please find detail information about the design workshops through the following official website (more information will be uploaded soon): Click here

As part of the SDGs Design School project, we hope to contribute to SDGs through design by exploring and developing design-based educational programs together with stakeholders in the local community. As an on-going collaborative project with Fukusho High School in Fukuoka city, we have managed to conduct 3 design workshops, the SDGs Challenge Projects, for a total of 65 high school students (that includes year 1, 2 and 3 students). These workshops were conducted between August and October 2020.
Amid the restrictions and limitations to in-person lessons caused by the Covid-19 pandemic at school level, together with the teachers in Fukusho High School, we explored how design-based lessons can be conducted in-person while keeping safety considerations. Equipping each student with a tablet, we explored the use of online whiteboard to facilitate group discussions during in-person lessons.
Overall, students had enjoyed the workshops and at the same time, we identified issues and positive outcomes through this format of design-based lessons.
Please find detail information about the design workshops through the following official website (more information will be uploaded soon): Click here

Breaking way from traditional ideation methods: Deep approach in design studios
28/11/20 19:54
Guest Appearance by Prof. SAKAMOTO Tsuto, NUS, Singapore. 26 Nov 2020
Title: 逆行の発想:デザイン・スタジオにおけるディープ・アプローチ
(Deep Approach in Design Studio)
A special online lecture by Prof. SAKAMOTO, in the graduate subject for Curriculum Design and Management of Design Education (Environment & Heritage Design Course). Students and invited students (local and foreign) had the opportunity to have a broader perspective on design learning and to explore the design processes in SAKAMOTO design studios in NUS, Department of Architecture.
It has always been a pleasure to have Prof. SAKAMOTO.

Title: 逆行の発想:デザイン・スタジオにおけるディープ・アプローチ
(Deep Approach in Design Studio)
A special online lecture by Prof. SAKAMOTO, in the graduate subject for Curriculum Design and Management of Design Education (Environment & Heritage Design Course). Students and invited students (local and foreign) had the opportunity to have a broader perspective on design learning and to explore the design processes in SAKAMOTO design studios in NUS, Department of Architecture.
It has always been a pleasure to have Prof. SAKAMOTO.

Design-Technology Education Exchange Forum, Session 5
07/09/20 19:01
The fifth installment of this international exchange forum was successfully completed on 22 August 2020. About 16 participants from Japan and overseas took part in this session.
In this session, Ms KU Chih-Jung, an experienced Technology teacher in Cheng-Yuan High School, Taiwan; and currently a PhD candidate in National Taiwan Normal University, provided a very detail account of how Technology Education is being implemented at ground zero in the schools. From problem solving to design engineering, examples of teacher training to facilitate the implementation of TE, and student projects were shown and discussed.

In this session, Ms KU Chih-Jung, an experienced Technology teacher in Cheng-Yuan High School, Taiwan; and currently a PhD candidate in National Taiwan Normal University, provided a very detail account of how Technology Education is being implemented at ground zero in the schools. From problem solving to design engineering, examples of teacher training to facilitate the implementation of TE, and student projects were shown and discussed.

Virtual Presentation in the Design Research Society 2020 Conference
14/08/20 16:29
Amid a global pandemic, the sharing of ideas for design research is made possible through the Design Research Society 2020 Virtual Conference. The paper, Sharpening Critical Thinking in Problem Identification in Design and Technology Education, was presented virtually on 14 August 2020.

Design-Technology Education Exchange Forum, Session 4
02/08/20 11:27
The fourth installment of this international exchange forum was successfully completed on 25 July 2020. This presentation was given by Mr Chris Kennedy (Head of Technology at Waiopehu College; Council Member for Ministry Relations in TENZ).
In this presentation, Mr Kennedy gave an outline of New Zealand’s Technology curriculum, and discussed how contexts for learning can be designed to engage students in Technology education. He also provided an example of how a New Zealand school redeveloped its Technology courses to better meet the needs of its community, and presented a framework for other schools to do the same.

In this presentation, Mr Kennedy gave an outline of New Zealand’s Technology curriculum, and discussed how contexts for learning can be designed to engage students in Technology education. He also provided an example of how a New Zealand school redeveloped its Technology courses to better meet the needs of its community, and presented a framework for other schools to do the same.

Design-Technology Education Exchange Forum, Session 3
02/08/20 11:17
The third session of the exchange forum was successfully completed on 11 July 2020, with the presentation on Design and Technology education in Australia by Mr Peter Murphy (STEM leader and D&T faculty leader in Northcote High School, Melbourne; President of Design and Technology Teachers' Association, Australia; Lecturer in La Trobe University).
Mr Murphy shared insights on the overview of D&T education in Australia and Victoria state. In addition, examples of implementation were giving based on the D&T education in Northcote High School. Close to 20 educators from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore participated in the forum.

Mr Murphy shared insights on the overview of D&T education in Australia and Victoria state. In addition, examples of implementation were giving based on the D&T education in Northcote High School. Close to 20 educators from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore participated in the forum.

Design-Technology Education Online Exchange Forum, Session 2
21/06/20 18:34
The second session of the exchange forum was successfully completed on 20 June 2020, with over 20 participants from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia. We were really happy to be able to invite guest speaker, Mr NG Joon Yong, Head of Department Craft and Technology in Peirce Secondary School to share with us his insights on Design and Technology (D&T) education, philosophy, research in Singapore.

Design-Technology Education Online Exchange Forum
07/06/20 21:53
Amid social distancing and international travel restrictions during this pandemic, international exchange and collaborations continues on! Co-organised with teachers from Hiura Junior High school and Hiroshima University High School, the Season 1, Session 1 of the Design-Technology Education Online Exchange Forum was successfully completed yesterday (6 June 2020) with about 20 over participants that include Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and etc.. The invited speaker for Session 1 was Prof. LIN Kuen-Yi from the National Taiwan Normal University.
This platform is created to allow exchange of ideas for teaching and learning Design-Technology, a subject closely related to design education at junior high school and high school level. There will be 6 sessions in Season 1. Up-coming sessions will include invited speakers who are design education practitioners/researchers from Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan. Season 2 will be expected to be planned in the future.

This platform is created to allow exchange of ideas for teaching and learning Design-Technology, a subject closely related to design education at junior high school and high school level. There will be 6 sessions in Season 1. Up-coming sessions will include invited speakers who are design education practitioners/researchers from Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan. Season 2 will be expected to be planned in the future.

SDGs Design School Project: Stay@Home
25/05/20 14:15
As Covid-19 greatly prevented students from going to school as Fukuoka prefecture was in the state of emergency, the team in the SDGs Design School work with 3 families to conducted a simple trial design activities that gotten kids between the age of 7 to 9 to identify some of the problems they can find at home and proposed some simple solutions. The duration of the project lasted 4 days with each morning via ZOOM, the participating kids and their parents met up with the team from SDGs Design School to obtain a quick briefing for the activities of the day. The output from the kids varies from stop-motion video to describe possible solutions to cardboard models.
Period of activities:
27 April to 1 May 2020
For more information: click here (information is only available in Japanese at the moment)
Period of activities:
27 April to 1 May 2020
For more information: click here (information is only available in Japanese at the moment)
Of Interest: Chart the Future of Design Education
18/04/20 12:42
Sharing a site from National Design Centre, Singapore.
Charting the Future of Design Education: A Report by the Design Education Review Committee (Singapore)
At international level, there will be something for us to learn from this review. Please check this out.
Click here to find out.
Charting the Future of Design Education: A Report by the Design Education Review Committee (Singapore)
At international level, there will be something for us to learn from this review. Please check this out.
Click here to find out.
Of Interest: Distance Design Education
16/04/20 10:53
Sharing a site supported by Design Research Society Pedagogy SIG and The Open University (UK) Design Group.
Distance Design Education: Supporting the global community of distance design educators
Hope that the information and resources will be useful for all design educators.
Distance Design Education: Supporting the global community of distance design educators
Hope that the information and resources will be useful for all design educators.
Deconstructing "Design Reasoning" to enhance students' critical thinking in designing
15/03/20 22:48
Deconstructing Reasonings during Designing to Enhance Critical Thinking of Secondary School Students
Can secondary school students' reasoning processes during designing be deconstructed so that their critical thinking processes can be enhanced? This is the main question that motivated a series of study to deconstruct reasoning during the design process using the critical thinking model by Paul and Elder (2008).
In one of the studies in the series, reasonings during problem exploration are deconstructed using questions. Using these questions, intellectual standards essential to good reasoning in problem exploration can be articulated. By increasing students' awareness of the intellectual standards for good reasoning when exploring problems, the quality of critical thinking of students may be improved. This study provides a glimpse of a potentially useful strategy for teachers to explicitly develop critical thinking in students.
To find out more:
LOH, Wei Leong. Critical Thinking in Problem Exploration in Design and Technology Design Project. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, [S.l.], v. 25, n. 1, p. 35-58, feb. 2020. ISSN 1360-1431. Available at: <https://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/DATE/article/view/2738>.
Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2008). Intellectual Standards: The words that name them and the criteria that define them. CA: Foundation for Critical Thinking.
Can secondary school students' reasoning processes during designing be deconstructed so that their critical thinking processes can be enhanced? This is the main question that motivated a series of study to deconstruct reasoning during the design process using the critical thinking model by Paul and Elder (2008).
In one of the studies in the series, reasonings during problem exploration are deconstructed using questions. Using these questions, intellectual standards essential to good reasoning in problem exploration can be articulated. By increasing students' awareness of the intellectual standards for good reasoning when exploring problems, the quality of critical thinking of students may be improved. This study provides a glimpse of a potentially useful strategy for teachers to explicitly develop critical thinking in students.
To find out more:
LOH, Wei Leong. Critical Thinking in Problem Exploration in Design and Technology Design Project. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, [S.l.], v. 25, n. 1, p. 35-58, feb. 2020. ISSN 1360-1431. Available at: <https://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/DATE/article/view/2738>.
Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2008). Intellectual Standards: The words that name them and the criteria that define them. CA: Foundation for Critical Thinking.