SDGs Challenge Project, 2023
04/05/23 12:17
Since 2019, we have collaborated with a public high school in Fukuoka city to introduce SDGs Challenge Project into the main stream public school education. Started as a small workshop for 17 students, we are really excited that the SDGs Challenge Project is into its 3rd year for all 3rd Grade students in the school through the "Period for Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study". Since 2021, our partner school has been named as a model school in Fukuoka city for implementing the SDGs Challenge Project as a form of inquiry-based learning in the "Period for Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study".
This April, the school starts another new academic year for the SDGs Challenge Project 2023. For more information about the SDGs Challenge Project, please visit the SDGs Design School website.

This April, the school starts another new academic year for the SDGs Challenge Project 2023. For more information about the SDGs Challenge Project, please visit the SDGs Design School website.